










Entrar al sitio web de IMMCC

This web page has been created and maintained by Miguel Plano (also known as "Mini Cord" in many forums), who has dedicated most of his life to the world of motoring and Minis with the help of his father Ricardo Plano.

With this web page we want to share our passion with all the classic Mini fans and scale model collectors in the world.

If you have any information or comments, please feel free to contact us.

Since February 1st 2001


Este portal ha sido creado y mantenido por Miguel Plano (también conocido como "Mini Cord" en varios foros) y que ha dedicado gran parte de su vida al mundo del automovilismo y al de las Minis, con la ayuda de su padre Ricardo Plano.

Con este portal queremos compartir nuestra pasión con todos los aficionados del Mini clásico y coleccionistas de modelos a escala.

Cualquier información, colaboración o comentarios por favor no dude en contactarnos.

Fundada Febrero 1 del 2001

Gatineau, Quebec - Canada
Bogotá - Colombia (2001)

Ing. Ricardo Plano

Miguel Plano, P.Eng.
Rover Mini Cooper 1991 (sold)Austin Mini Moke 1965 (sold)

We are members of the following clubs: -  Somos socios de los siguientes clubes:

immcc75.gif (11479 bytes)

International Mini
Models Collectors' Club
Rallye Club Los Correcaminos
Bogota - Colombia

Copyright © 2001 - 2030 MinipassionMini

This page is protected by International Copyright Laws, which state that copyright exists once a work has been created and that I don't have to specifically register or assert copyright. This is valid for pictures and articles. There are certain naughty webpages and webpage owners out there who think that they can copy work from the internet and represent it as their own. Don't. Be Warned!

The contained information is used with the only purpose to inform and illustrate. The articles than don't belong to us, not necessarily agree with our opinion. All the drawings, pictures, emblems and photos in this web page are used only for illustration. If someone feels offended by the use of any of the images of your property, please tell us and they will be withdrawn.

Cualquier información contenida es con el único objeto de informar e ilustrar. Los articulos que no hayan sido escritos por nosotros, no necesáriamente reflejan nuestra forma de pensar. Todos los dibujos, emblemas y fotos en esta página, son para ilustración, si por algún motivo alguien se siente ofendido por el uso en esta página de alguna de sus imagenes, infórmenos y será retirada.